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SDR Engine Function Reference

(Last Mod: 27 November 2010 21:37:20 )


NOTE: Work on this page has just begun. At present, only the function prototype from the header files are listed.

Radio Functions

WORD f(version)(int type);

void f(report)(STRUCT* p, FILE *fp);

int f(delete)(STRUCT *p);

STRUCT* f(new)(void *data, f(ModFunc) call);

int f(errors)(STRUCT *p);

SDRB* f(add_block)(STRUCT *p, char *name, SDRB_ModFunc call);

SDRB* f(add_monitor)(STRUCT *p, char *blockname);

PFIFO* f(connect)(STRUCT *p, char *from, char *to, int width, int depth);

int f(reset)(STRUCT *p);

int f(run)(STRUCT *p);

void *f(datablock)(STRUCT *p);


Radio Block Functions

WORD f(version)(int type);

void f(report)(SDRB* p, FILE *fp);

int f(delete)(SDRB *p);

STRUCT *f(new)(char *blockname, void *data, f(ModFunc) call);

int f(is_name)(STRUCT *p, char *name);

int f(is_full)(STRUCT *p, int port); // Is an output port full

int f(is_empty)(STRUCT *p, int port); // Is an input port empty

void *f(push)(STRUCT *p, int port, void *item);

void *f(pop)(STRUCT *p, int port, void *item);

//PFIFO *f(connect)(STRUCT *from, int from_port, STRUCT *to, int to_port, int depth);

//int f(is_port_active)(STRUCT *p, int port); // Is an input port still alive

PORT *f(new_port)(STRUCT *p, int dir, int num, int width, int qty, PFIFO *fifo, SDRB *from);

int f(is_active)(STRUCT *p);

int f(is_port_active)(STRUCT *p, int port);

int f(is_source)(STRUCT *p);

int f(mark_status)(STRUCT *p);

int f(call)(STRUCT *p, int when);

SDR *f(radio)(STRUCT *p);


Port Functions


FIFO Functions
