(Last Mod: 05 January 2014 22:19:36 )
Instructor Information (including contact info and schedule)
Generic Course Policies (attendance, homework, grading, etc)
Specific Course Information (meeting time/place, text, software, policies that override generic policies, etc.)
MasteringEngineering (CourseID: EENG382FALL2013BAHN )
NOTE: Reading assignments are to be read PRIOR to the class for which they are assigned.
19 AUG | M | NO CLASS | |||
21 AUG | W | 1 | Review of Sinusoidal Steady State Analysis | Chap 9 | |
23 AUG | F | 2 | Review of Sinusoidal Steady State Analysis | Chap 9 | |
26 AUG | M | 3 | AC Power | 10.(1-3) | |
28 AUG | W | 4 | Complex Power | 10.(4-5) | |
30 AUG | F | 5 | Complex Power | HW-01 | |
02 SEP | M | 6 | Maximum Power Transfer | 10.(6) | |
04 SEP | W | 7 | Balanced Three-Phase Systems - wye-wye | 11.(1-3) | |
06 SEP | F | 8 | Balanced Three-Phase Systems - wye-delta | 11.(4) | HW-02 |
09 SEP | M | 9 | Three-Phase Power Calculations | 11.(5-6) | |
11 SEP | W | 10 | Chapter 11 Wrap-up | ||
13 SEP | F | 11 | Laplace Transforms | 12.(1-6) | HW-03 |
16 SEP | M | 12 | Laplace Transforms | ||
18 SEP | W | 13 | Inverse Laplace Transforms | 12.(7) | |
20 SEP | F | 14 | Inverse Laplace Transforms | HW-04 | |
23 SEP | M | 15 | Poles/Zeros, Initial/Final Value Theorems | 12.(8-9) | |
25 SEP | W | 16 | Transform Methods in Circuit Analysis | 13.(1-3) | |
27 SEP | F | 17 | Transfer Functions | 13.(4-8) | |
30 SEP | M | 18 | Low-Pass and High-Pass Filters | 14.(1-3) | |
02 OCT | W | 19 | Band-Pass and Band-Reject Filters | 14.(4-5) | QZ-01 |
04 OCT | F | 20 | EXAM I - Chapters 10, 11, 12 | ||
07 OCT | M | 21 | Impulse Response | HW-05 | |
09 OCT | W | 22 | Convolution | ||
11 OCT | F | 23 | Total Response via Convolution | ||
14 OCT | M | -- | NO CLASS - FALL BREAK | ||
16 OCT | W | 24 | Low-Pass and High-Pass Filters | 14.(1-3) | |
18 OCT | F | 25 | Band-Pass and Band-Reject Filters | 14.(4-5) | HW-06 |
21 OCT | M | 26 | Review Exam #1 | ||
23 OCT | W | 27 | Opamp-based filters | ||
25 OCT | F | 28 | Opamp-based filters | 15.(1-3) | |
28 OCT | M | 29 | Filter Scaling | HW-07 | |
30 OCT | W | 30 | Filter Scaling | ||
01 NOV | F | 31 | Fourier Series and Symmetry | 16.(1-2) | |
04 NOV | M | 32 | Review for Exam II | QZ-02, HW-08 | |
06 NOV | W | 33 | EXAM II - Chapters 13, 14, 15 | ||
08 NOV | F | 34 | Applying Fourier Series to Circuit Analysis | 16.(4-5) | |
11 NOV | M | 35 | Power Calculations using Fourier Series | 16.(6-7) | |
13 NOV | W | 36 | Exponential Form of Fourier Series | 16.(8-9) | |
15 NOV | F | 37 | Calculating the Fourier Transform | 17.(1-6) | HW-09 |
18 NOV | M | 38 | Applications of the Fourier Transform | 17.(7) | |
20 NOV | W | 39 | Parseval's Theorem | 17.(8) | |
22 NOV | F | 40 | Review for Exam III | QZ-03, HW-10 | |
25 NOV | M | 41 | EXAM III - Chapters 16, 17 | ||
27 NOV | W | -- | NO CLASS - THANKSGIVING | ||
29 NOV | F | -- | NO CLASS - THANKSGIVING | ||
02 DEC | M | 42 | Introduction to Two-Port Networks | 18.(1) | |
04 DEC | W | 43 | Review for Final | ||
06 DEC | F | -- | NO CLASS - DEAD DAY | ||
07 DEC | S | -- | Final Exam (Sat, 7pm-9pm) |