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Racket Homework #03

(Last Mod: 17 December 2013 13:16:49 )


This homework is to be done individually.

There are two parts to this homework, each worth 40 points. The first part focuses on closures and lexical scoping while the second is more focused on currying and using the map function. For simplicity, put the solutions to each part in a separate file (details are in the separate part descriptions) and zip them up into a single zip file that you will submit on Blackboard.

Remember to document your code well. If the grader has difficulty following your reasoning, they will take away from the 25% allocated toward Effort.

Part #1

Download the racket file for this part. The file has had a .txt extension added to the .rkt extension so that browsers can recognize and access it. You will need to remove this extension before proceeding with the assignment. This part has a tutorial followed by three problems. This part is worth 40 points with the usual 25% for effort. The remaining 30 points are allocated equally to each problem.

Part #2

Access the webpage for the second part. This part is also worth 40 points with 25% for effort. The allocation of the remaining points is located on the webpage.


Put all of your files into a single zip file named (as usual, UserID is replaced with YOUR CSM User ID)

Submit your .zip file on Blackboard.