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Elements of Computing Systems

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Fall 2013

(Last Mod: 05 January 2014 22:19:14 )



NOTE: Reading assignments from CODE and ECS are to be read PRIOR to the class for which they are assigned.

19 AUG M   NO CLASS        
21 AUG W 1 Introduction, Setup, Binary Systems        
23 AUG F 2 Boolean Logic, Logic Gates 1-3 Intro, 1.(1-2) ECS-00
26 AUG M 3 Logic Gate Implementations 4-6 1.(3-5), App. A   
28 AUG W 4 Number Representation, Base Conversions 8-9    PY-00
30 AUG F 5 Binary Addition, Signed Representations 10-11 2.(1-2) ECS-01
02 SEP M 6 Adders and ALUs 12 2.(3-5)   
04 SEP W 7 Signed Binary Addition/Subtraction 13    PY-01
06 SEP F 8 Sequential Logic 14 3.(1-2) ECS-02
09 SEP M 9 Flip-flops, registers, and memory 15 3.(3-5)   
11 SEP W 10    16    PY-02
13 SEP F 11 Machine Language 17 4.(1-2) ECS-03
16 SEP M 12 Machine Language   4.(3-4)   
18 SEP W 13    18     
20 SEP F 14 Computer Architecture   5.(1-2) ECS-04
23 SEP M 15 Computer Architecture 19 5.(3-5), App. B QZ-02
25 SEP W 16         PY-03
27 SEP F 17 Assembly Language and Assembler (Symboless) 20 6.(1-2) ECS-05
30 SEP M 18 Assembly Language and Assembler (Symboled)   6.(3-5)   
02 OCT W 19    21    PY-04
04 OCT F 20 Virtual Machine - Stack Arithmetic (Arithmetic)   7.(1-2) ECS-06
07 OCT M 21 Virtual Machine - Stack Arithmetic (Memory Access) 22 7.(3-5)   
09 OCT W 22 Virtual Machine - Program Control (Flow Control)   8.(1-2)   
11 OCT F 23 Virtual Machine - Program Control (Function Calls) 23 8.(3-5) ECS-07
14 OCT M -- NO CLASS - FALL BREAK        
16 OCT W 24 High-Level Language 24      
18 OCT F 25 High-Level Language (Syntax and Objects)   9.(1-2) ECS-08
21 OCT M 26 High-Level Language (Standard Libraries) 25 9.(3-5)   
23 OCT W 27 Compiler - Syntax Analysis (Grammars)       
25 OCT F 28 Compiler - Syntax Analysis (Tokenizing)    10.(1-2) ECS-09
28 OCT M 29 Compiler - Syntax Analysis (Parsing)    10.(3-5)   
30 OCT W 30 Compiler - Syntax Analysis        
01 NOV F 31 Compiler - Code Generation (Symbol Table)    11.(1-2) ECS-10
04 NOV M 32 Compiler - Code Generation (Variables, Arrays, and Objects)        
06 NOV W 33 Compiler - Code Generation (Expressions)    11.(3-5)   
08 NOV F 34 Compiler - Code Generation (Flow control)        
11 NOV M 35 Compiler - Code Generation        
13 NOV W 36 Operating System - Sys, Memory    12 (1-2) ECS-11
15 NOV F 37 Operating System - Array, String        
18 NOV M 38 Operating System - Output        
20 NOV W 39 Operating System - Keyboard    12.(3-5)   
22 NOV F 40 Operating System - Math        
25 NOV M 41 Operating System - Screen        
02 DEC M 42 Hardware Implementation     ECS-12
04 DEC W 43 Hardware Implementation     ECS-13 (h/o)
06 DEC F -- NO CLASS - DEAD DAY      
10 DEC -- Final Exam (Tue, 7pm-9pm)