

All Prior Quiz Prep sheets, homework, lectures, and reading assignments. Don't forget that some problems similar to Exam #1 problems will be interspersed among the next several quizzes. 

As always, you should be able to do all problems with either NPN or PNP transistors - know the difference!

Given the circuit in any of the following figures: Fig 7(13, 15b, 21, 23, 25a, 26, 27) of the text or their PNP equivalents, perform the following:

Given a circuit applicable to the Low Frequency Transfer Function, redraw the circuit so as to determine the resistance seen by a specified capacitor and determine the associated time-constant and frequency.

Given a circuit applicable to the High Frequency Transfer Function, redraw the circuit so as to determine the resistance seen by a specified capacitor and determine the associated time-constant and frequency.

Given the resistances seen by each capacitor in a circuit applicable to the Low Frequency Transfer Function, determine an estimate for the lower cutoff frequency.

Given the resistances seen by each capacitor in a circuit applicable to the High Frequency Transfer Function, determine an estimate for the upper cutoff frequency.

Derive the Miller Theorem. In other words, given two nodes with a bridging element between them, and given the relationship between the voltages on the two nodes such that V1 = K * V2, SHOW that the bridging element can be replaced with two components where each node has one of these components between it and ground. SHOW what the values of these components must be in terms of the original bridging component's value and the gain K.